
Well, I am in Lisbon, attending the European NSM after attending the US NSM last week. It’s freezing cold outside and being indoors is the best option. I am writing this because I wanted to share something I got to know in US. Did you guys ever know that India is part of North America?  I am serious………………yes, we are. Will Ethridge (CEO HEd Pearson North America) feel so and there is no denying the fact. When he puts up his first slide during his presentation it shows Canada up by 6% and India up by 30%. He then turns to the audience and asks them if they are wondering why India is listed. The answer is because India (Vivek) reports to Tim Bozik (CEO Professional & Career) and hence India is part of North America.


Being told that we are part of North America was fine but what actually made all of us (attendees from India) feel proud was seeing the name India up by 30%. We had lots of them coming to us and congratulating after that on our (We all at Pearson India) success. We were fortunate enough to represent you all and being invited by Tim and to be sitting in the front rows…………………….reserved seats……that felt wonderful!!! and the icing on the cake was……………..guess………………..Marjorie coming and joining the table and sitting besides Saravanan. Saravanan just couldn’t stop smiling all the while she was there…………….he will share his story and may be photographs with you guys once he is back.


Hope this gets us going to achieve greater things………….so that this isn’t one off experience. Congratulations to you all.  





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This blog is for all employees of Pearson in India . We hope to share updates - both personal and professional - from the worlds of education and publishing.