Meandering Thoughts

This one is certainly not for the wine.


A big part of why I enjoy my job and life thoroughly is the opportunity to learn something new almost daily. I never cease to be surprised at realizing how many things around me appears obvious and I take it for granted but I have never sat down to think why. Example: Ever wondered why bread is brown or why are different sets of flavors are normally associated with certain sets of products and not others. We have vanilla or strawberry flavored cream biscuits, ice creams and cakes but no bread, why? -- Questions from my 3 year old daughter for which I had no answers.


There are a number of occasions when we sit in important meetings in the office analysing important numbers and I must admit, I am not on top of everything I see but I try to learn. Here is something Vivek taught me recently. At the year end review we were all patting our back on achieving our DSO targets as a company amongst many stellar achievements. At the meeting I was happy that we did it, but had no clue what we did to achieve this and how this number was arrived. All I could remember was that this was a number credit control provided and every time this number became worrisome the sales would accelerate collections.


Here is what I understood. DSO (Day sales outstanding) is a measure that tells you how many days worth of sales that we have made to our customers that remains to be collected. This is irrespective of when the sale was made or the payment was due. The lower this number the better it is for the company. The mathematics of this can be understood if I really wanted but I got the logic and I was elated.




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